The funds available for broadband deployment have skyrocketed over the last ten years. The federal standard is constantly changing. As a result, funding for 10 Mbps service is now overbuilt with 25 Mbps and 100 Mbps service. We expect these funding vehicles to continue for the foreseeable future. As a function of a Public-Private Partnership, CIONA’s model provides:
Oversight to ensure companies that have obtained public funding honor their commitments to the areas they are obligated to serve.
Insight to assist the county or municipality with long term guidance on new funding mechanisms and how the county is best positioned.
A succession plan for cities and counties to ensure that the knowledge gained is not lost when city and county leaders leave office. It creates a method to ensure the legacy of the broadband strategy has continuity.
Funding through Public-Private Partnerships that sustains the services for years to come.
CIONA’s products and services transform rural communities into full digital citizens. By leveraging public-private partnerships, and the latest internet technologies, we build affordable gigabit fiber backbone and wireless broadband infrastructure – including IoT solutions, cloud architecture, intelligent operations, and local edge computing with intelligent systems for unserved or underserved communities.
Our Open Neutral Host Networks allow multiple service providers to offer services. This ensures no single service provider has a monopoly in your area, thus creating competition to achieve higher end-user Quality of Service for lower prices.
On-Demand Smart Devices, IoT Appliances, Public Safety, Ag-Tech, Smart Community, Voice, Video, Security Cameras, and Smart Home solutions.
End-to-End managed services with real-time monitoring, Dashboards that provide fast access to essential data, and network analytic tools.
Carrier-grade Neutral Host Fiber Network, 5G Wireless technology, Secure/Private LTE, and LoRaWAN IoT coverage.
Affordable gigabit broadband connectivity infrastructure; Open access dark fiber backbone, and cloud-based IoT services.
An affordable, reliable broadband internet solution can transform your community. It can allow access to critical government services, improved municipal services, global customers for local business, remote learning, remote jobs, and more. To learn more about how CIONA can transform your community, fill out the form below. Someone from CIONA will get back to you shortly. Thank you for considering CIONA as your Neutral Host Network solutions provider.
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